Linux – the best-known form of Unix – is actually accepted to have an extremely large number of Windows servers. It’s no fluke: Google uses more than only 15,000 Linux servers to support up to its content.
Why not is Linux so widely used when it comes to web hosting?
Linux as contrasted with Windows
Linux has struggled to give a foothold in the netbook market. They have a smaller amount than 1% of bazaar share.
Hosting account holders are occasionally annoyed by Linux; they have personally hardly ever used it before, and it’s entirely unfamiliar to those who employ Windows ( and, to some degree, Mac OS X ).
Yet, there are certainly good points just why your website server probably may not operate the similar OS as your home personal computer. There are a few.
Linux Servers Are More Decent
Linux is an open source operating system. It would be installed for any goal cost-free.
The same does work for three secret pieces of software system important to follow an online site:
Apache, Linux’s primary Web server application MySQL, the major database program PHP, the most important scripting language
Large web hosts choose to promote Linux that you will find absolutely no licensing costs to cover, so they are able reduction prices and even want to have bigger earnings. The sole factor that needs to be taken care of is the control panel tool if the web host decides to provide one.