If you are not sure about reading this article, you may miss important information about registering domain names. Many articles on this subject can be found online, but the advantage of this writing is that they are simple and easy to understand. This article provides you with great information about registering domain names.
What is the domain name anyway?
Domain names are the familiar web addresses (that is, bookmydomainhost.com) that web browsers use to identify a particular website. In fact, domain names are pointers to a specific IP address (an address used by address servers to locate each other) and we use them for a simple reason. It is more descriptive and easier to remember than IP addresses that are presented only in a set of numbers (For example, 105.416.28.7).
Registration process
If you want to buy a domain name, you must first find a registrar that processes the registration of the domain name. Currently, there are hundreds of registrants that you can use. For a complete list of authorized domain name registrars, visit the BookMyDomainHost website (https://www.bookmydomainhost.com). When you go to the registrar’s website that you specified, you can use the domain name search tool to verify that the domain name you plan to buy has not yet been taken. If available, you can continue with the registration.
Now that you are moving forward with the registration, you have approximately 3 more steps to complete your purchase. The domain name registration process may vary slightly from one registrar to another, but the next three steps should be very similar for most of them.
1. To decide how many years do you want to register your domain name?
2. Choose public or private registry?
3. Enter the domain name connection information.
Let me now go through the previous steps in more detail.
1. When you register your domain name, you can choose the period of time for the property that is generally from one to 10 years (of course, you can extend it before the domain ends directly so you do not lose it.). Some registrants may require at least two years or more for the specified domain names.
How old do you need to register your domain name? Well, that depends on what you use for the domain. If it is your job and you intend to work for at least five years, I will record it for five years or more. If you are not sure about the future of your website, it must be that a year or two is fine, then you can only expand the registry if your website is fine. Currently, many registrars offer you the option to renew your domain name automatically so you do not worry about it. Using this option allows you to avoid losing your domain name simply because you forgot to renew it.
2. The choice of the public or private registry is another step that will take. However, some registrars may not offer this option. The general record is where your personal information is used in the domain name contact. This type of registration is easier but also less secure than your connection, for example, your contact is easy and comprehensive, including your address, mobile numbers and email id., making it an easy target for spammers and the scams.
On the other hand, its registration gives you security, but at the same time, it can cost you a little extra money during a certain period of time. The way you work is that your registrar registers your domain name for you. So, you are not the owner directly, but you have the right to use it. In this case, the domain name contains the contact information of your registrar instead of your information. Any received mail will be sent to the address on your domain, and this is where additional charges are charged because most registrars will charge you for this service. If you choose your private registry, I will definitely recommend reading the service agreement carefully before continuing with the registration. You can save yourself a little headache.
3. The last step is quite simple. If you choose to register your domain name, you do not need to worry about this step. In the case of general registration, all you have to do is enter your detailed contact information.
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) registers four types of contacts for each domain name.
1. Contact owner
2. Contact manager
3. Contact admin
4. Contact person.
You can only get the same contact information for all four unless you have other people running different aspects of your name.